Royal College of Physicians

The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) is a British professional body that plays a strong role in the UK healthcare system, working closely with clinicians, hospitals, NHS providers, national bodies, specialist societies, and other medical royal colleges.


With over 32,000 members and fellows around the globe, the RCP aims to improve the standards of patient care and provide healthcare professionals with a strong and unified voice while contributing to many areas of healthcare policy.


The RCP also works with partner colleges in Edinburgh and Glasgow, who have worked together to develop a Medical Masterclass. This programme helps doctors pass the MRCP(UK) diploma, using resources that include an online questions bank, mobile app and more than 60 patient case studies. All of these resources have been developed under the guidance of 50 leading physicians, who are all Fellows of the RCP.


The brief

We were tasked with developing a new website for the Medical Masterclass that would reflect the nature and calibre of the RCP’s expertise, which was something they felt wasn’t conveyed by their existing website. The site didn’t work on mobile devices and was unresponsive, as well as being too internally focused. What’s more, it didn’t incorporate UI/UX and lacked usability which, for a learning platform, is a key requirement.


Key challenges

The main challenges we faced included:

  • Building a new website to match the new brand guidelines
  • Designing and developing a customer-centric workflow that works perfectly on all devices
  • Building a custom html template for each design and then working with the RCP’s internal development team to integrate it


Our approach

Using the RCP’s core brand guidelines as our basis, our team of digital specialists designed and delivered a cutting-edge web platform that works smoothly across all mobile devices.



The RCP’s internal development team are really happy with the work and coding we’ve produced for them. In fact, the entire project has been a huge success.

  • Number of online medical examples significantly rose
  • Number of online examination materials purchased via the site significantly increased
  • Feedback has spoken volumes – a cross-section of polled website users gave strong, positive feedback on the ease of use and overall design